
i love golden afternoon sunshine and feeling nostalgic. i love dancing till i cant feel my feet and getting rides home in the fresh new daylight with strangers. i love drinking tea and painting in monochromatic colors. i love rambling and secret drawers. i love science fiction and nabokov. i love bright eyes and royksopp. i love you loving me.

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often times an insufferable know it all

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ask the Dusk - John Fante

Ask the Dusk - John Fante
January 2009

Ask the Dusk is the second book by John Fante that I've read; the first being Brotherhood of the Grape. The language is very stark and the emotions in the book are very strong and extreme. Fante is an author who can say a lot with simple words and can create a mood without superfluous descriptions. I admire the concise way in which he writes and the determination his characters all seem to have, even if it's an obstinate stubborness veering towards self distruction.

That said, I didn't enjoy reading the book. All of the characters annoyed me and I not only didn't connect with the protagonist, I actually despised him. I didn't really understand the anger and the venom he felt and couldn't really place it within a context. I am interested in reading more Fante though, if only because he was such an influence on Bukowski and because his books are relatively short.


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